Quick tips for helping dad feel involved in the sleep teaching process.

Here in the sleep world, a lot of the sleep information tends to be directed at you, Mama!  But that’s not to say that dads aren’t involved (or that they don’t want to be involved) in their child’s sleep journey!  Moms are often the ones to reach out for help with sleep, and that might be because moms are typically the ones who are off work on maternity leave with their babies and tend to manage daily sleep if their partner is at work.  In addition, if a mom is breastfeeding, she might be managing the night sleep as well since she is likely breastfeeding throughout the night.  

That being said, of course there are many dads involved with their baby’s sleep, and others who want to be involved in the sleep teaching process – and we want Dads to be included as well!  Having both Mom and Dad involved in the sleep teaching process can really be so beneficial for the whole family!  

If you’re looking for ways to include Dad in the sleep teaching process, these tips are for you!

If you are working with a Sleep Consultant, have Dad join in on the phone calls and text messages!  

If Dad can join in on the phone calls, he will have the opportunity to hear what the Sleep Consultant has to say, ask any questions that he may have, and be involved in the planning process.  This will help to make sure everyone is on the same page and it’s great if Dad can be involved in the process right from the beginning!

Include Dad in the Bedtime Routine 

You may have a specific way that you do bedtime routines in your house – maybe you do the routine with your baby, or maybe both parents do the routine, or maybe Dad does the routine!  If you do the routine on your own, it can be so nice if your partner joins in as well!  This is good for the whole family – Dad gets to enjoy the special bonding time with baby; baby learns that other people can do the routine too, which helps baby learn to be flexible with other people putting her to bed; and Mom doesn’t have to manage the whole routine on her own, which can lighten her load!

Arrange Special Time for Dad and Baby on Their Own 

Another great way to get Dad involved is to arrange time for him and baby to have special time together.  Let’s say that giving your baby a bath is a part of your bedtime routine – some evenings, why not have Dad give the baby a bath on his own, so that the two of them can have that time together!  Or, if your bedtime routine involves rocking your baby and having a cuddle right before sleep, how about having Dad do that part of the routine so he can have that extra bonding time with baby. This can be so special for both Dad and baby!

Have Dad Take the Lead Some Nights 

Once everyone is on the same page, and Dad has been getting involved in the sleep process, feel free to see if he wants to take the lead with bedtime and some nights.  This will give Dad the opportunity to try things out on his own, in his own way, and find his groove!  If you have been managing most of your baby’s sleep needs on your own, then this gives you a chance to have a break – which is so important for you!   If you both can take turns handling bedtime and night wakings, it gives you both a chance to step back, get some extra rest, and take care of your needs!

Including Dads in the sleep teaching process can really be a blessing for the whole family.  Doing so allows for extra bonding time for Dad and baby, allows both parents to be on the same page, and leaves room for both parents to take a much-needed break! 

For more sleep guidance, feel free to contact us or try our newborn sleep course or 4-12 month sleep course.

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