Eight things to do with baby outside the house

The endless feeding cycles, diaper changes, and sleep schedules can leave parents feeling stuck at home with a growing sense of cabin fever.

You love the routine and spending time with your little one—but sometimes, you just need to get out of the house! Right?

We've got you covered!

Here are eight things to do with baby outside the house that are safe, fun, and easy to manage.

1. Sign up for swimming lessons 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death in children ages 1-4. So, it's never too early to introduce your little one to the lifesaving skills taught in swimming lessons.

Besides the well-established safety benefits, swimming is such a fun activity, and most babies delight in splashing around in the water. And as a bonus, your little one's sleep may improve due to the physical activity.

2. Enjoy a picnic at the park 

Going for a picnic at the park is a great way to get some fresh air and enjoy the outdoors with your baby. Pack a blanket, some snacks, and a few toys, and soak up the sights and sounds of the natural environment.

Let your little one experience the sensation of the grass tickling their feet and the wind gently brushing their cheeks. And make sure you take a moment to relax as well, mama.

3. Embark on a local field trip 

Exploring your local area with your baby can be a fun and educational experience for both of you. Check out your town's local attractions and events calendar for baby-friendly activities.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Local zoo or animal farm

  • Butterfly sanctuary

  • Botanical gardens

  • Children's Museum

  • Farmers market

4. Join a playgroup 

Joining a playgroup or mothers group provides a wonderful opportunity for social interaction. Your little one will enjoy interacting with other babies, and you will get the chance to connect with other parents. It's common for parents to experience feelings of isolation, and joining a playgroup can help fulfill the need for adult interaction and support.

Playgroups can usually be found through local community centers, libraries, or online mothers' groups.

5. Take a baby yoga class 

Mom and baby yoga classes are becoming increasingly popular—and for good reason.

Yoga is a fantastic gentle postpartum workout option, and your baby will love being involved in the poses with you. Most baby-friendly yoga classes will incorporate games and songs for your little one while focusing on specific poses that help new mothers regain some strength and energy.

It's a win-win situation, so if you're looking for things to do with baby outside the house, enquire at your local yoga studio or fitness facility for class options.

6. Treat yourself to a coffee 

Sometimes all you need is a change of scenery and a good cup of coffee (or tea!). So find a baby-friendly coffee shop in your local area and treat yourself to some much-needed relaxation time.

Bring a book or your laptop, or simply enjoy the opportunity to sit and unwind while your baby naps or plays in the stroller.

7. Catch a movie at a baby-friendly session 

Most cinemas offer a weekly screening of popular movies specifically for mothers with babies. During these baby-friendly sessions, parents don't have to worry about their little ones disturbing other people in the cinema. If your baby decides to vocalize their opinion on the movie, the mom next to you will likely respond with a knowing smile rather than frustration.

With some luck, your kiddo might drift off to sleep in the dark environment, giving you a moment to chill out and enjoy the movie.

8. Explore your local library 

Your local library offers a treasure trove of free activities that will delight your baby. Obviously, there are plenty of books and toys to keep your baby engaged and entertained. But many libraries also offer programs like storytime or baby rhyme time sessions that allow your little one to interact with other babies while developing their literacy skills.

Regular visits to the library will also hopefully encourage your kiddo to develop a lifelong love of reading.

Balancing rest and play with your baby 

There are loads of fun things to do with baby outside the house, offering your little one much-needed stimulation—and giving you a change of scenery and a chance to connect with other parents.

But always remember there needs to be a balance between play and rest. Babies can become overstimulated quickly, leading to irritability and difficulties with sleep. Ensure you follow your little one's awake windows and implement a consistent sleep routine so they're well-rested and able to enjoy activities.

If you would like further information on managing your baby's stimulation needs, contact the team at My Sweet Sleeper.

We're always here to support you in any way we can.

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