Mama, give yourself the gift of simplifying

Minimizing is a concept that has been around for generations and continues to gain popularity in our culture. This concept of less has proven to increase happiness, productivity, and organization. And for many of us, it is not only our homes and spaces that need this application, but our calendars too.

Here are a few proven ways to help you simplify your time and your schedule…

1. Don’t be afraid to say no

I think we can all agree that nobody is busier than a mama. And despite our best intentions of prioritizing time with our babies, it seems that appointments and responsibilities can somehow always fill up our calendars. That is why prioritizing the most important things in your life will give you more time to enjoy the simple moments without feeling stretched in every direction.

Practical application: Make your priority list (non-negotiables), and everything that falls below that list, feel free to say no to. I know it’s easier said than done, but something I do is ask myself , “What has to go out in order to make this a yes - and is it worth it?”

2. Set a bedtime - for yourself! 

Most of us work on a consistent bedtime for our child(ren), and that's great, but what about setting a bedtime for yourself? Your baby probably functions as your alarm clock in the morning and that might mean you can’t change what time you get up in the morning; however, you can plan around it. If your baby usually wakes you up around a specific time, count backwards and figure out what time YOU need to go to bed to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep for adults .

As a busy mom of six, I know how tempting it can be to cut into my bedtime in order to get the laundry done, answer the emails, or catch up on Netflix. But what most of us don’t realize is that we are actually MORE productive when we get more sleep because we function at a higher rate throughout the day.

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3. Realize that you don’t need to be supermom

Take it from a recovering perfectionist…you do not need to have the Pinterest-worthy nursery and you do not need to post adorable photos of your baby on Instagram every day. You do not need to worry about presenting yourself as the mom who has it all together, because the truth is, none of us do! And that's just fine. While there is nothing wrong with setting goals and striving to do better, trying to achieve perfection will quickly lead to burnout.

Practical application: Focus on the things you are really good at, and delegate the things that are more time-consuming.

By making a few of these simple shifts, you are setting yourself up for a simpler year ahead, with more time to focus on the things that truly matter. There is, after all, beauty in simplicity.

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Five ways to make sleep a priority